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Tuesday, October 29, 2013


是的。。本人从Infinite演唱会回来就病倒了~ 一开始就只是喉咙痛和微发烧,想说吃点退烧药就会自然好~ 结果病倒的第三天。。。我竟然失声了!到了第四天才肯乖乖的去看医生。。连医生都问我生病时是不是讲很多话。。连声带都发炎肿了~(我承认,那是因为前一天姐妹的生日聚餐~哈哈 所以就忘形的聊了一整晚)所以整个星期都呆在家里好好养病。现在声音已经恢复的有差不多50%,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……还是有点沙哑~

(#‵′)靠~害我在排队的时候被淋得像落汤鸡一样~ 还好有个伯伯来卖雨衣,这才勉强救了我的上半身和包包~(还有我的Infinite周边商品!)我倒霉的布鞋就这样湿了ㅠㅠ 没办法把它弄干,就只好尽量忽略那湿湿的感觉,挨到演唱会结束~ 

原本以为我会一直一个人,还好有认识到一些友善的朋友!^^ 就在我准备进场去看Infinite的“Sound Check Party" 时,在门口排队时认识了以为比我小六岁的妹妹~ *好吧,我承认我是老了* (话说,Sound Check Party 是Infinite的彩排。这是主办单位安排的抽奖活动中赢回来的!原本以为自己已经没希望了,真不知道自己走了什么狗屎运,既然被抽中了!我。。我他妈的兴奋!开心到演唱会前晚都睡不着!哈哈哈~ )言归正传吧,认识了那位小妹妹之后,又认识了一位韩饭!这位韩饭姐姐*应该是姐姐吧*好厉害!!会说英语,还会日语哦!진짜 대박 ! 

当进场看彩排时,我真的一度认为那是一场梦!真不敢相信我竟然能事先看见他们!开心死我啦!Gyuzizi最近都比较有fashion sense了~哈哈。黑衣,黑裤加上墨镜!(你这是在抄袭L吗?囧)比起之前的那些豹纹系列和颜色不搭的衣裤,这次的造型算不错了!我们所能观看的彩排只有15分钟的时间,就三首歌的时间。最记得的是唱"엄마(妈妈)"!老人圭一直跟着L然后对着L唱,哈哈 金家两兄弟真是调皮!之后也彩排了两首歌,是那两首我也不太记得~好像是"BTD"和“Be Mine”~ 那应该是我人生中最长的15分钟吧~吼吼

看完了彩排就要到外面重新排队。囧~天啊,那门口被人潮堵住了。幸好有小门在旁边然我们走出去。到外面,我就跟着小妹妹一起找她的朋友。找到了,也终于坐了下来。后来又认识了一位Gyuzizi 的饭,Jinnie姐! 可能同样是老人圭的粉丝,所以很快的我们就谈了很多。话题当然少不了关于老人圭和一些其他演唱会的经验~哈哈 再后来Jinnie姐就带我到附近的摊位买了一把Gyuzizi的小扇子~那扇子是韩饭卖的!有点贵,但品质不错~ 话说,Dongwoo哥哥的人气真不小啊!他的扇子早就被扫光了~果然人人都爱天使!^^

终于等到要进场了,可是秩序超乱的。而且天公也不作美,又开始下雨了~囧...粉丝都争着进场。这次的演唱会我破例买了摇滚区!没错!就是摇滚区!%&#@%&@ 自从东方神起的演唱会经验过后,我发誓以后看演唱会打死都不会再买摇滚区了。原因嘛,就因为那是我人生第一场演唱会被粉丝挤得差点晕倒再加上本人已经老了,没力气持续站3个小时。可是!我竟然为了Infinite破例了⊙﹏⊙b汗~ 果然我被洗脑了,被老人圭的魅力困住了。哈哈

演唱会的部分我就不多说了~拍了些照片,可是。。。。我的死手机不争气,拍的照片全都模糊不清ㅠㅠ就只有几张是看的到脸的。。其他的嘛,就算了~ 吐血。╮(╯_╰)╭还好还有几个视频可以补偿及安慰一下自己~呜呜 这还不是重点哦!重点是当他们在唱 “니가좋다” 时所抛出来的公仔和纸飞机!我虽然没那个荣幸能拿到他们亲笔签名的纸飞机,但至少我有拿到两只好可爱的公仔哦!至于是由谁抛的我就不记得了。因为当时有点乱,所有的饭都忙得不可开交,跑来跑去抢。如果我没记错的话,我因该是拿到Sungjong和Dongwoo的吧~(我确定不是Gyuzizi就对了ㅠㅠ)公仔很可爱哦! 一只是熊熊,一只是兔子!兔子很像Sungjong的说!哈哈! 我也为了拿到它们而受伤,尾指被刮伤了!~囧~粉丝们都不是盖的~指甲都超尖。漏了一点,就是Hoya在彩排时就做了他的口头禅 “I say Ho, You say Ya” !而且在正式演唱会是又做了一次~哈哈,果然。。还有他们全场也用了英语和马来语来讨粉丝欢心!讲的好流利叻!成员们嘴巴也像涂了蜜糖一样,超多甜言蜜语!之后也唱了“Rasa Sayang ”!感觉好入乡随俗!感动!^^ o(≧v≦)o~~好棒!

这真是又一场让我毕生难忘的演唱会!跟偶像们酱近距离虽然也不是第一次,但这次的感觉让我感到既兴奋又感动~每位成员也很友善,和饭们都有很多的眼神接触!(话说Gyuzizi的眼睛真的超小!)真的值回票价!希望还能再看见他们!好想看他们在韩国的那场!现在的我应该赶快找份工,储点钱,下次一定要飞到韩国看他们!我们约定好喔!( ^_^ )/~~拜拜

      ^^^"^" \\^^^^

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Back with some randomness~

Yo wassup ! I'm back here to write about my life. Well, where should I start?

Guess I should start on my not so well-going uni life. I actually had my final year exam on May, and have gotten my results in June. Just when I thought everything was going smoothly...BAAAMMMM~ My lecturer for AIC (a subject that I took in my course) emailed me and ask for my plagiarism report. To make it clear, the AIC assignment takes up 60/70% *I cant really remember* of the whole subject, and the rest is for final exam.

After re-submitting the report, I got a call from the divisional office. They asked me to meet two of their examination officer. It was a short interview yet it felt like forever for me. I was told that my assignment has a plagiarism percentage of 20, that I basically plagiarized. I was shocked! My mind kinda went blank for a moment and few seconds later, I can feel that tears are pilling up in my eyes. But I did not cry infront of them of cause.

When I've calmed down a bit, I then asked what the punishment would be. They told me most probably I will get 0 for my assignment. I was devastated. I begged them to have mercy yet they said the decision is up to the UK authorization. That day was one of my worst day in my whole life. I do not remember how I have gone through that day without telling anyone about it. Yes, I did not tell my parents about it because I thought it would be best if they would not know about this. I do not want them feel disappointed.

However, good news and bad news came right after my trip to Hong Kong. *Yeah, I went HK for vacation and imagine how I felt during the whole trip, I was so stress during the trip because of the assignment thing. But I enjoyed HK too! Love their food and shopping!* Back to the topic, good news is that I could re-do my assignment! UK has decided to let me re-do it provided that it'll be capped at 40%. Well, fair enough. This was a good news for me!

Now bad news, I failed 2 of the subjects. Which are Audit and Financial Management. FML seriously ~ Anyhow, I did not tell my parents again. I only told them I've failed Audit only. I registered for the referral and paid for it myself. *All my $ has gone* What makes me most frustrated was I have to pay for assignment retake too! Damn it.

Well, the assignment part was going smoothly and this time I really checked the plagiarism rate and make sure it does not pass 10%. Hereby I must thank Ms.Usha and Ms.Prema for guiding me through the re-doing of assignment. As for the exam retake, I really studied hard this time though I was still not really confident on the audit paper. The audit paper was still as hard as hell but I'm glad that I passed! *throw confetti* Same goes for the FM paper, I really did all the past years papers and discussed with friends. Of cause it was done secretly so that my parents wouldn't notice anything.

By the time results was out, I was dead nervous. THANK GOD ! I've passed all and I'm able to graduate this coming November! ^x^ Although I've felt disappointed and doomed, I've managed to overcome them with the help of my family and friends. Also, always remember to think positively whenever your having a hard time and it'll all be fine.

Guess I should stop now. Until then ! See ya!

"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results" - Willie Nelson