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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Semester 3 and Shopping day!


Now my Sem 3 has officially started. Gonna be very very busy from now on. Sighs...

The new timetable is crap! Monday 10am- 6pm! Friday 8am- 4pm! 4hrs break in between. I'm gonna die soon~ Means no more sleeping late and wake up late. Sobs..... WHY OH WHY?

Hate the person who set this crappo timetable ! Can I change class? I mean change course ? Oh well, its too late. Just hope that I can cope with it. Bye bye life and hello Taylors, you're my second home now. I shall bring pillow every Monday and Friday to have nap during the 4hrs break time. Damn it!

So in order to relieve stress, I went shopping today. With Bunny, Mel and Ethel. Didn't know Midv's parking is so small. Cars are everywhere which causes jam EVERYWHERE too!

The bazaar was okay only. Try to find a nice pants but didn't manage to. In the end went Top shop and saw a 50% off beggy pants which I tempted to buy but didn't. LMAO Saw a big bag which costs rm69.90 while on the way looking for food. NICEE but never buy too. Now I'm regretting for not buying the pants.

I did manage to grab 2 clothes from the bazaar. * a dark grey cardigan and a long sleeve white top* TEE HEE. Each cost rm29 and rm35. AHHH~ I feel like going Midv again tomorrow.

Well, too bad dad already promised to bring us eat Jajjangmyun at Korean Town tomorrow. Bro needs to get his hair cut time for me to shop ... or maybe I should ask dad go KLCC? We'll see how !~ hahaa

SO before I go, wanna show you guys my shirts. Nice ? OF CAUSE RITE! haha. I'm SS-ing myself here .

Cardigan :)

Long sleeve Shirt :D