Today, the 3 of us wore mask in school~ haha
the 3 of us is me, minzy onni and dukk chae~ ><
but too bad ~ we never take pics~ aishh
Dunno why we suddenly wear mask~ just for fun?
or because of H1N1...scary virus....
another thing is ...we should write or draw something on the mask ~
"new fashion mask" haha~ oh well~ maybe next time??
still wanna do it next time? hehe~ mulla.... hot like shit....
but i manage to tahan until school finishes....yayz!
*gives myself a lollipop*~ minzy onni ! i want jajjangmyun!!
ermm~ what else to write neh....i know!
today was also the opening for the merdeka thingy~
overall it was boring....and one of the teacher in my school " know who" suddenly walk towards our gang and started tickling us....WTH! it wasnt ticklish at all but painfull! her finger nail damn sharp~ T__T lame teacher~ haiz~ i dont get why my school teacher all so lame...
the lamest is still my ex-english teacher.....teacher ! you know who you are! YOU STILL OWE ME MY ENGLISH PAPER AND MY ESSAY 1!! man.feel like killing her now.....
Im at my limits...XX